Reflecting back upon my life, I had spent so much of it living in my head, replaying the past, worrying about the future, and rarely able to be completely present. I turned to various distractions to give myself a temporary reprieve from my thoughts, but at best I was substituting internal noise with external noise, and at worst I was numbing…
The other day I was exchanging messages with a lovely soul I connected with recently, someone who has touched me deeply and is dear to me, but who lives much further from me at this time than I would like. In our communication, I offered a wishful thought of being in the same physical space at that moment, to which…
For those of you experiencing winter right now, the often cold and dreary days are ever so gradually beginning to grow longer and the anticipation of spring lifts our spirits. The darkness of winter—when animals and plants tend to enter a state of dormancy—invites us into stillness and reflection. As we slow down and go inward we become more present…